
Power House Mine (Greenfield)

Butte County, CA

Managed acquisition and permitting of 500-acre alluvial mine adjacent to the Feather River, including Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit and Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement.



Mining and Materials

Asphalt / Ready-Mix Concrete

Financial Analysis

Air Quality Analysis

Greenhouse Gas Analysis

No challenge too steep.

Hwy. 175 Quarry

Lake County, CA

Comprehensive project management for permit expansion of hard-rock quarry involving a mining and reclamation plan amendment to include an asphalt plant, ready-mix concrete plant, and addition of 35+ million tons of reserves, as well as a Williamson Act Cancellation, Section 404 Permit and Streambed Alteration Agreement.

and we understand your issues.

We apply in-depth knowledge and experience gained through hands-on management of mine reclamation to deliver efficient, responsible and cost-effective SMARA compliance. 

Mining / Quarrying


SMARA Compliance

Cost Estimating

Compass Land Group © 2022 | All Rights Reserved

We leverage our industry knowledge, agency relationships and regulatory permitting expertise to deliver business-minded results on complex entitlement and environmental issues.

In-Stream Mining & ESA

Northern CA

Managed numerous in-stream permitting projects involving consultation with Federal fish and wildlife agencies under the Endangered Species Act. Obtained Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permits, Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, and Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreements.

"We're hands-on Project Managers with financial acumen and proven industry experience."

We've worked in industry...

Vineyard Creek Relocation

Sacramento County, CA

Managed every aspect of permit amendment to mine and relocate Morrison Creek, including Clean Water Act Section 404 and Central Valley Flood Protection Board Encroachment Permits.

Our end-to-end services include:

Feasibility Assessment

  • Permitting / Operational Feasibility
  • Due Diligence
  • Financial Analysis / Modeling (cash flow, economic profit, etc.)
  • Comprehensive Market Analysis

Transactional Assistance

  • Reserve and Lease Valuation
  • Lease, Royalty, Purchase, Sale Negotiations
  • Due Diligence

Land Use Permitting

  • Mining Permit
  • Conditional Use Permit
  • Development Agreement
  • Reclamation Plan
  • General Plan Amendment
  • Zoning Code Amendment
  • CEQA / NEPA Environmental Review and Compliance
  • Air and Greenhouse Gas Analysis
  • Expert Witness

Regulatory and Environmental Permitting

  • Wetlands - Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit (Corps of Engineers)
  • Endangered Species - Section 7 and Section 10 Consultation

             (Corps, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries)

  • Section 401 Water Quality Certification
  • Central Valley Flood Protection Board Encroachment Permit
  • CA Department of Fish and Wildlife Streambed Alteration Agreement
  • Conservation Easements and Endowments
  • SMARA Compliance / Financial Assurance Cost Estimates